An effective manager of people in the workplace understands that an essential aspect of effective leadership is recognizing individual strengths and weaknesses and harnessing character and personality traits for maximum efficiency. For example, introverted people require a unique, patient approach. The most effective way of managing introverts must include a healthy respect for time and space. Introverts are typically quieter and more methodical in their approach to tasks. Understanding this and providing the necessary scope in the workplace will ultimately harness their most significant potential. Due to their inherently quiet, reserved nature, introverts are often

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Running a business can be tricky and stressful. A business manager focuses on meeting sales targets and keeping costs as low as possible to ensure that the business remains profitable. Many feel it is almost impossible to keep track of the money in the company. But, adequate financial controls are vital to ensure business profitability, and profitability is essential to ensuring the sustainability of the business. Whatever the size of the company and its turnover, no business can afford to lose track of its money. So, what are the best practices for accounting control they

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